Are you an owner or part of a car club? We have had a number of clubs over the years asking how to be a part of the track, well here is your time to shine. We are offering car clubs a chance to be part of one of our days this year. We will have designated lanes for vehicles that want to run, along with a designated area for vehicles that just want to showcase their rides. Car club name will be advertised for that day as well on our schedule and weekly event schedule post. With limited dates available, you must have a minimum of 20 members participate and reserve a date. Larger clubs may be eligible for their own day.
If you are interested in more details, please email DeAnna, or call 724-668-7600 Monday through Friday, 8am – 4pm.
*April 5th
*April 12th
*April 18th
*April 25th
*May 9th
*May 16th
*May 30th
*June 13th
*June 20th
*July 11th
*July 18th
*July 25th
*August 1st
*August 22nd
*August 29th
*September 5th
*October 11th